I want to be a millionaire shortbread
01:21 Posted In biscuits , chocolate , toffee Edit This 0 Comments »coconut cake with homemade banana jam
04:02 Posted In banana , coconut Edit This 0 Comments »

the idea of banana cake drenched with some coconut milk icing is known however i wanted to turn that on its head with a coconut based cake with banana jam instead as there is no doubt the flavours agree with one another. Eaten alone- it is sweet, puddingy and decadent enough- is charming.
I got my oh so tasty jam recipe from the below link
White Chocolate and Rasperry sponge with chocolate chunks
05:29 Posted In chocolate , raspberry Edit This 0 Comments »Irish apple cake
07:51 Posted In apple Edit This 0 Comments »
My Irish ancestory must have screamed out to me to bake this one, an Irish bramley apple cake with a touch of cinnamon. I loved the sourness the bramley added, a nice dense, doughy consistency for the cake- the idea is it is more of a pudding. Topped with some vanilla sugar and cinnamon again and some cream is lovely with this.