blueberry muffins
06:25 Posted In blueberries , Cake Edit This 0 Comments »
Blueberries are a favourite in my family so for a bit of a family reunion i felt some baking with the interesting fruit was a must.
My muffins are still very much a work in progress in terms of appearance - sometimes they do not reach mountanious proportions. Topped with some vanilla sugared blueberries they were a refreshing treat.
pretty please chocolate cupcakes with a cherry on top
06:17 Posted In Cake , cherries Edit This 0 Comments »
I have been complimented that these cakes are a work of art and I must boast that i was garnishing with a pretentious flick of my wrist as if i had a paintbrush in my hand, standing back to admire my masterpiece i felt very creative.

The chocolate cakes were relatively light ass i used milk chocolate as opposed to dark, topping with melted chocolate and then organic cherries.

vanilla cupcakes topped with cheesecake frosting and crumbled brownies
06:14 Posted In Cake , chocolate Edit This 0 Comments »
These were a self inspired jewel of a cupcake adorned with some muddy coloured gems of their own. Having made a plain vanilla cake mix, I wanted to spice the cakes up a bit so added a mess of crumbled left over homemade brownies- the result- mouth watering.
The lightness of the cake contrasted by the highly rich topping was fantastic and i love the photo capturing the almost red tint in the brownies
brownie cake
05:48 Posted In Cake , chocolate Edit This 0 Comments »
My mother referred me to a wonderful chocolate brownie cake recipe that makes the most delicious brownies. These go down a treat, in fact they barely last a minute once baked, however if the brownie fans can wait it is well worth it as when over a day old the outside is that bit crumblier and the inside dense and moist and best appreciated in this state.

apricot and white chocolate cookies
06:02 Posted In apricot , biscuits Edit This 0 Comments »
These tasty bites are an interesting eat and well worth an experiment. You cannot help but feel you are being healthy somehow when eating these perhaps it is as i bought the dried apricot from a health food shop!

I was complimented these cookie were like a well known cookie shop chain, the consistency was pleasing. The combination of apricot and white chocolate inspiring.

I was complimented these cookie were like a well known cookie shop chain, the consistency was pleasing. The combination of apricot and white chocolate inspiring.